【海外特派員より投稿 カナダ在住 釜石市出身 Masumi.K】
In front of the temporary shops, a group performed the Toramai dance. This is a Tiger dance which we used to enjoy during the Kamaishi festival.
I do not think the tiger was living in our town so we do not know why Toramai is getting the signature of our town‘s festival, but we really enjoyed the Japanese Flute and drum with the dance.
After the Toramai dance, we saw another dance.
People found Kimonos lying around after the Tsunami. There was no running water after the tsunami so the people washed the kimonos at the river.虎舞の後は神楽でした。皆さんが着ているはっぴは、津波の後に見つかり、水道が長い間出なかったので大渡川で洗ったそうです。
Both dances were performed by the young generation including junior high school students.
We are happy that young people are helping our community by keeping our town 's rich culture alive.虎舞も神楽も小中学生も踊っていました。このような素敵な文化が継承されていくことは本当に素晴らしいことです。