【海外特派員より投稿 カナダ在住 釜石市出身 Masumi.K】
I was introduced to this boy by my friend ; her friend’s son is looking for someone who is suffering from the Tsunami, to donate his money to.
Aldo is 7 years old, living in Vancouver, Canada.
Let me show you how sweet he is!!
This is the letter from him.
Hi my name is Aldo, I am seven years old. I had my birthday and each year I ask for money. I take half and buy one gift, and the other half I give to our community. This time I chose you, because you had a Tsunami. I am very sorry you had a Tsunami. I hope it never happens again. I hope you can buy a better house with the money. I want you to buy some extremely fun toys. I hope this will help you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
僕の名前はアルドです。7歳です。毎年お誕生日のときには、家族のみんなにプレゼントではなくお小遣いをくれるようお願いしてます。僕はそのうちの半分で自分のほしいものを買って、残りは僕の周りのコミュニティーに寄付してます。でも、今回は「You!!」を選びました。だって、津波があったから。とても大変だったと思うし、もう2度と起こってほしくないと思う。君がもう一度もっといい家を買えればいいと思う。そして君がこれでとってもとっても大好きな" fun”なおもちゃを買ってほしい!これが少しでも君の助けになると嬉しい~!!!!!!!
I was asking around at the school and among other people. Someone graciously refused this proposal so I chose my cousins family.
They had a new house in Ryoishi, Kamaishi. Now, they can not find their house, two cars or even one picture.
They were quite happy and impressed by Aldo’s sweet behaviour as were the volunteers too.
There are several volunteers {university students} here to help kids study. who could not help shedding tears when they heard this.
Thank you again Aldo!
その日、鵜住居の仮設住宅には、全国から数名の大学生のボランティアの方たち(Ginga-Net:http://www.iwateginga.net) が学習支援などにいらしていましたが、中にはこのアルド君の話を聞いて涙をぬぐわずにはいられない方も。