From NY.
The guy from Kamaishi, Unosumai. His name is Yukio Koma.
He is teaching shamisen at United Nations International School, NY.
He started to play shamisen from March 11th in front of the Japanese
restaurant "Kenka".(East Village, 25 St. Marks Pl, NY) normally he
plays from 6:30p.m to 8p.m.
It took a several days to figure out what happed to his mom and
relatives. Unfortunately his mom who is in 80's is still missing and
his several relatives are missing too.
He was wondering to go back to Kamaishi or not, but he is still
teaching at NY and he decided that he will do what he can do in NY now
and he will be back to Kamaishi in July.
After collecting the donations, He is sending money to Iwate
Prefecture directory.