*A month later @Kamaishi, Iwate.
One month has passed since the earthquake and the tsunami.
People who live here say that the situation is much better than a few
weeks ago. I am heartened by all that the Japan Self-Defense Force,
the volunteer groups and the people of this area have accomplished,
but still overwhelmed at the amount still to be done. There are a lot
of broken cars, buildings and garbage beside the roads. Also there
Our Nonprofit Organization group was for helping the the local small
business. Now, our priority is to help the people who are
We hope these photographs and stories will give you a rarely seen
insight into our situation and create bridges between our communities,
and those around the world.
*6175t Cargo ship is on the fish market. I found the Pentax firm
Camera near this ship. I am wondering what this Camera was watching
during this Tsunami.
*A car is still stcuk in the Police building.
*A month later @Kamaishi, Iwate.
一ヶ月後の釜石 (そのほかの写真)